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before the match, the secretary received a message in his office from the turnstiles.
There's an umpire down here with two friends. Wants to know if they can come in. 'No,'
replied the secretary, 'the man s obviously lying.' 'How do you make that out?'' Whoever
heard of an umpire with two friends.'
The visiting team was surprised to find that there were no
scoring facilities at the village ground. The captain approached
The cricketer was proud of his progress as a batsman and invited his
mother-in-law along to watch him play, hoping to impress her. At the crease, he turned to
the wicket-keeper and said 'I'm anxious to do well and really hit this ball. That's my
wife's mother over there.''Don't be silly,' said the wicket-keeper. 'You'll never hit her
at two hundred yards.'
The nervous young batsman was having a terrible time and was
lucky to still be at the crease. During a lull, he stammered to the wicket keeper, 'Well,
I expect you've seen worse players.'Silence.... He said 'I said I expect you've seen worse
players.' 'I heard you the first time. I was just trying to think.' Goto Humor article |
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